Bored at Work

Posted by: Pantyhose Goddess

May 14, 2014

Her next patient cancelled, so the Pantyhose Goddess decided to get comfortable!

Recent Comments for Bored at Work (24)
  • For pantyhose fetishists only. May they enjoy their fetish. Next contestant please!
  • So sexy pantyhose! Nice looking ass and big tits!
  • very hot. do you want to trade pics with a young couple from germany? our email is:mdagos@
  • Click on my moniker and you will see proof of my having made contributions. I assume we're just supposed to take your word, huh? Yeah . . . right! Who do you think you're kidding? No one here thinks you've ever made a contribution . . . or even had a woman, for that matter. You call me a "little girl?" Well, let's look at that. I bash guys who bash women. I treat them in the same manner they treat women here. You chase me around the boards here calling me names while ignoring those who start the cycle with their abusive comments. So what exactly does that make you?
  • daninbhg: where are your contributions?. i have posted here, been a few years but i did make posts. you are an afraid little girl.
  • Posted a nude shot from behind for 's a flash contribution.
  • voted SUPERB!! love pantyhose please post more in pantyhose email me some pc's denno68@
  • do you want to work for me!!
  • Thx, what would it be if you are happy at work :)
  • Well, look at little "totoo" coming to the aid of his male lovers. Are you afraid if you don't stand up for them they won't hook up with you anymore? No . . . so long as you clowns bash women, I will bash you. If you can dish out abuse, you damned well better be able to take it in return. And--once again--notice that "totoo" has no contributions of his own either. Again, how many truly believe that it's a "coincidence" that the guys bashing women don't have women of their own?
  • mmmmmm i wish i could get comfortable with her too. please post more pics. gluckyv103@
  • daninbhg just go away, you and ( watch out AKA spam alert) just like to hear yourselvs talk and are as bad as anyone in here. let it go and mind your own buisness. or just keep quiet.
  • You know, "Gussers" just proved that it is appropriate when I refer to him as "; You see, I have NEVER found a woman in any state of undress--and certainly these shots still qualify--"; But then again, I'm a heterosexual male who finds women alluring. "Gay-sirs" apparently finds women "; Guess he'd much prefer pictures of men.
  • hot legs with a big nip


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