Beautiful Ass

Posted by: Cristiane

May 17, 2014

in the intimiti

Recent Comments for Beautiful Ass (22)
  • Hey any anal sex lovers here?
  • So tempting undies! I really like her round ass and big tits!
  • Oh my GOD!!!Sooo damn horny!!I think i will use some of these pictures as my wallpaper of the must be so damn amazing to do you and watch those ass cheeks bounce all over while doing you DS!!!OMG!!! This is David from portugal 34yo, and just find you absolutely astonishing!!Please KEEP POSTING!!!Would also love to trade few words with you, even if it was just to suggest on your future contris. E mail me if wanted: thehollowman1980@ As i said before, keep us updated with YOU!KEEP POSTING!! Best wishes and biggest kisses!! XoXo DaviD.
  • Would love to bend you over and lick you from your clit to your asshole and back until you came on my face and begged me to replace my tongue with my hard, throbbing cock until we both came several more times and passed out from exhaustion. Feel free to send more pics to hardnrockin@, I'll tribute them and email back.
  • love that ass!
  • that is a great ass! looks like great tits too, hope to see more of you!
  • you look great!! love to crawl in tongue first and make you scream!! spunkdog@
  • You need a better camera
  • I'm sure you know "crap" when you see it, "Woodstock" . . . you probably have to clean it off your boyfriend's cock after sex. And I love it when clods like you call me a "; You see, I judge an insult by what is known of the character of the individual issuing it. You're a cretin who bashes women anonymously--often in the middle of the night. I thus know the following about your character: you're a coward; you're a misogynist; you have no life, career, family or ambition; and your education was spotty, at best, given your inability to spell, utilize the proper homonym, or use any semblance of proper sentence structure. In short, being insulted by someone like you is actually a compliment.
  • You have great pile driving ass. Love to feel my balls on it when we fuck.
  • you have a great ass. i'd love to see more of your tits and pussy. please post more pics. gluckyv103@
  • Of COURSE you find it boring, "gay-sirs," these are pictures of a FEMALE ass. You, "Little Bitch" and "vac-QUEER-o" really need to get together. You three would be so busy diddling each other you'd never have time to insult women here.
  • great hot ass and legs
  • a fat ass
  • Yeah, "Little Bitch" and "vac-queer-o" prefer asses that are both more muscular AND masculine! Put some hair on that and a penis up front, and they'd be dropping their panties and grabbing the lotion! As to "hillmeister," if you can look at a woman's ass and think of it as "boring," then you seriously need to question your sexual orientation. But, as always, I note that none of you bashers has ever posted pictures of YOUR women. Of course, you don't have any, so I guess that would make that task difficult, wouldn't it?


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