Once again "tutu" makes a fool of himself. First he bashes "Spam Alert" for not making a contribution . . . but ignores the fact that HE has never contributed photos either. He then accuses me of not posting on the same day the contribution is posted . . . while ignoring two things: 1) take a look at the date my comment was posted and the date of the contribution--eat THAT, asshole; and 2) unlike "tutu," I have a career, family and responsibilities that sometimes require I surrender some of my browsing time. Granted, when you're still living in your mommy's house and wishing for a life--like "tutu"--you have PLENTY of time to browse.
Spam Alert AKA (watch out). this peice of cr@p has never made a contribution on here, and it has never had a good thing to say about a post. If it was so concerned maybe it would make a positive comment and quit the same old spam it has been spouting for over two years?. GO AWAY @SSHOLE. and it is a woman just like daninhbg. ever wonder why they will never make a comment on the same day as post. they both know they are
Full of shit and will get flagged.
for BELLAMALIZIOSA !! Commercial SPAMBOT. Same photobegging comment on every contri, every day. Poses as a woman to get your trust. Will sell any photos you send him. From one contributor to another, Beware!
Let me see if I have this straight, "; You honestly believe tattoos "ruin" a woman's body? So if you had a chance to nail Angelina Jolie you'd turn her down, huh? Dude, I'm no fan of tattoos or piercings. But the big difference between you and me is I can appreciate the REST of the woman's body. Tattoos don't change her curves, the roundness of her ass or breasts, the shape of her legs . . . there are a lot of other things to concentrate on. When you concentrate only on what you DON'T like, you're missing out on the rest of the woman . . . no different than the morons who bitch if a girl has pubic hair or DOESN'T have pubic hair. If you appreciate ALL of the woman, you will always find something to enjoy.
damn - we think that you're a hot little piece of ass - the only thing missing in this set is that awesome smile of yours - keep posting please - we love looking at your hot, faceable little body - brooklyncpl@
That's a w-o-m-a-n, "Fancy ; I know you've never actually HAD (or desired) one, so your confusion is easily understood. As to "zuume19," you're actually wasting time commenting on her OUTFIT? Dude, do you know how g@y that makes you appear?
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